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Updates and Changes (Draft)

To ensure the continuous improvement and evolution of the Qubic ecosystem, regular updates and changes are essential. These updates can range from minor bug fixes to major feature additions or enhancements. Here's how the process works:

Proposal of Updates

Anyone in the Qubic community can propose an update or change. This could be a developer identifying a potential improvement, a user suggesting a new feature, or a miner pinpointing a performance issue. Proposals are then shared with the community for consideration and discussion.

Evaluation and Testing

Once an update has been proposed, it undergoes a thorough evaluation process. This involves technical reviews, performance testing, and potential impact assessment. This stage is crucial to ensure that any changes made will positively contribute to the Qubic ecosystem.

Community Feedback

Feedback from the community is crucial in the decision-making process. Members of the Qubic community can voice their opinions on the proposed update, ask questions, or suggest modifications. This feedback helps ensure that the proposed changes meet the needs and expectations of the community.


Following the feedback period, the proposed update is put to a vote. For a decision to be made, the Quorum must participate in the voting process. If the proposal receives majority support, it proceeds to the implementation phase. If not, it may be revised based on the feedback received or discarded.


Once an update has been approved, it moves onto the implementation phase. Developers work on incorporating the changes into the Qubic network. This might involve coding new features, optimising existing ones, or fixing reported bugs.


Upon successful implementation, the update is communicated to the entire community. This helps ensure all members are aware of the changes and understand their impact. Regular communication keeps the community informed and engaged in the ongoing development of the Qubic ecosystem.

The cycle of updates and changes is ongoing, contributing to the dynamic and evolving nature of the Qubic ecosystem. This process helps ensure that Qubic continues to meet the needs of its community while adapting to new technological advancements and challenges.